Hard Quantum Oscillation of Cross-Channel Cavity of Free Electron Laser

A summary of the hard quantum oscillations in the cross-channel cavity of a free electron laser is proposed and discussed 丨 Internal cavity work by the electronic laser: a new method of tunable rate radiation oscillation: e, y quantum halo Electricity ¥ Inverse Scattering When Sheng Sheng uses a cross-channel cavity to increase the radiant power in the cavity, thereby increasing the Ay radiant power, and eliminating the cavity mirror thickness loss, solving the problem of i radiation output r: 7 right cross It cavity, 'self: excited by electrons; ::: some applications require wavelength tunable coherent y and X quantum sources. This kind of quantum source can be used for solid physics, nuclear physics research work and medical diagnosis (tomography) and cancer irradiation, because coherent radiation is easy to focus and requires partial local energy release.

The possibility of inverse Compton scattering of electrons on the relativistic electron beam to generate coherent y and X radiation. When the relativistic factor yl, the wavelength of the free electron laser is the first to propose the use of free electron laser in the cavity of the electron beam itself to generate frequency tunable y quantum by inverse Compton scattering. The hard radiation obtained at this time can not only be tuned in a wide frequency range, but also polarized. The wavelength of y quantum radiation satisfies the following generalization, assuming that the diameters of the electron beam and the laser beam are approximately equal at the scattering point (corresponding to the optimal scattering). In this case, the quantum number generated by an electron pulse is the frequency of the electron pulse injection into the optical cavity / the average rate of hard quantum generation at a given time: a high-power free electron laser developed by the Institute of Nuclear Physics (PWO COPAH) of the Siberian Branch of the Institute w '201, estimate the quantum number and the average rate of generation, the results are listed in Table 1. Comparing the parameters of the two devices can get the rate range of hard quantum generation.

The radiation is a series of macropulse lasers and optoelectronics with a width of about 3 banks, with a repetition rate of 10 to 30 Hz. Each macropulse consists of approximately 8500 micropulses with a width of lps and an energy of 6. Free electron laser radiation is expected to consist of a micropulse sequence with a width close to 20 ps, ​​an energy of about 1 m, and a repetition rate of 180 MHz. In both cases, it is believed that the spot area of ​​the interaction zone is 0.1 cm2. In a specific experiment, the electron beam cross-section S obviously affects the hard quantum oscillation efficiency. It should be noted that it makes no sense to make the beam diameter smaller than the electron beam diameter. In addition, the geometry of the optical cavity that determines the beam diameter significantly affects the working efficiency of the free electron laser, that is, the pulsed laser power W circulating in the cavity. Therefore, the parameter S needs to be further optimized for specific experiments.

The average hard quantum generation rate <cWy / d on the electron cyclotron device is the average final working (available) characteristic of the radiator according to the working time of the device. The average hard quantum generation rate of the linear accelerator Mark-DI listed in Table 1 is averaged by the width of the macropulse width b3. Therefore, in order to obtain the finally available characteristic d% / d>, the injection frequency of the macropulse must be D = Further average of 10 ~ 30Hz: diVy / d <d〗 Vy / select injection frequency 30Hz to obtain the average stable generation of the device working time average. In order to compare the hard quantum number and quantum generation rate of the micropulses listed in the previous experiment. The micro-pulse radiation 400 hard quantum here is much larger than Mark-Dish (dA) = 0.75x1 (H), but it can be compared with the data of the electron cyclotron device ((= 83).

The average hard quantum generation rate during the macropulse <(Wy / diV (; VL2.5x1010S-1 (~ = 16ns, micropulse repetition period). This value can also be compared with the electron cyclotron device data (1.5xl (FS-1) In comparison, the average hard quantum yield of Mark-DI is significantly exceeded. When the observed average time greatly exceeds the repetition period of the macro pulse, the situation fundamentally changes. The average hard quantum generation rate of the electron cyclotron device is still 1.5xl01Q S-1, while It is pointed out again to the accelerator Mark-HI and the experiment that the actual data in the experiment is obviously low due to the degradation of the mirror surface by high-power laser radiation and Compton hard radiation, and the absorption of hard quantum radiation in the thickness of the mirror. As suggested in this article The use of a cross-channel cavity as an optical cavity eliminates all three reasons that reduce the rate of hard quantum generation.

The use of cross-channel cavities in high-power free-electron lasers is characterized by the relatively high intensity and long life of hard radiation, and may be made into tunable coherent hard radiation sources for solving specific problems in basic and applied physics and the latest medical applications.

Table 1. Qualitative estimates of free electron laser parameters and Compton radiation parameters. Laser H-tumor Remarks: V electron beam current, electron concentration, laser and photoelectricity

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