Tencent Digital (Wu Bin) Each year, the release of the new iPhone will be accompanied by praise and doubt. Even though Apple's ability to innovate has been repeatedly questioned by the outside world in the past two years, it still does not affect the iPhone's global sales.
Although Apple did not publish the first week of sales this year, according to third-party statistics companies, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus sales in the first week were basically the same as those of 6s. Although the outside world has quite a few remarks on the iPhone 7, the power of the global fruit powder is still strong. Let Apple safely survive the first week of the new iPhone.
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However, as more and more users get and use new mobile phones, many problems of the iPhone 7 are also exposed. These include current noise, heat, missing signals, etc. Some people attribute these problems to the first iPhones. The quality control of 7 is not closed, but some people attribute them to the irrational product design.
We have also summarized some of the recent problems in the iPhone 7 at the first time. Have you considered the following questions?
Updated the latest exposure on October 9:
1. New iPhone 7 needs Apple id activation ripple level: low
This is a recent exposure problem. The level of spread is not high. Some users have reported that their new iPhone 7 actually needs to enter the Apple id when it is first activated. It is necessary to know that Apple has to ensure that the user does not leak data after the phone is lost. Verifying Apple id's default (Activation Lock) after factory reset, but Apple id activation for a brand new iPhone is completely unreasonable.
A foreign netizen also detailedly just received a new 256GB bright black iPhone 7 unlocked screen at boot time; he said "it looks like someone has used this iPhone, and asked for the correct account password to login ".
This problem is not only the iPhone 7, but also part of the 6s. Users who have encountered such problems can already exchange a brand-new iPhone with Apple's replacement service.
2.IPhone 7 lens does not wear out to the extent: high
Although Apple has repeatedly stressed that the iPhone 7's lens protective glass cover uses a higher-strength sapphire glass, this still does not prevent the iPhone 7 from wearing the lens. Some foreign testers found that the Mohs hardness of the lens cover of the iPhone 7 can only reach 6, which is the hardness of ordinary glass, and not the Mohs hardness of the sapphire glass 8-9 that Apple officially promoted.
For this matter, Apple's official response said that the iPhone 7 lens glass does use sapphire material. Under the correct testing conditions, the iPhone 7 lens glass can show the same hardness and purity as sapphire. Is this just metaphysics? What is "correct test conditions"?
So there are good people out to solve everyone's doubts. A foreign friend claimed to spend hundreds of dollars to use the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and electron microscope in the university laboratory to analyze the material on the camera surface. He found that Apple iPhone 7 actually uses a sapphire glass lens, but the problem is purity. Low, mixed with some carbon impurities, thus greatly reducing its scratch resistance.
3. iPhone 7 poor call quality: low
Within a few weeks of the iPhone 7’s release, there were constant complaints from Apple about the poor quality of the phone’s call. The specific performance was that the new handset was in the process of making calls and the receiver’s voice attenuated. Some people even described the situation as “ The two people stood at a distance and shouted "or" call in the water ".
Judging from the current feedback, there are few users who have such a situation. At present, Apple's official has not given a response. We are not yet clear whether the reason for this problem is whether it is at the hardware or software level. Users with similar problems also got feedback at the Apple Store.
4. Car Bluetooth connection failure level: low
With the iPhone 7 canceling the 3.5mm headphone jack, Apple also broke its half of the "connection accessories." The user must choose one of the Lightning interface, adapter, or Bluetooth, but the Bluetooth connection is obviously not that smooth.
A user has expressed some problems when connecting to a car via Bluetooth. At present, the main affected users are BMW users. Some modern and Kia owners also have the same problems. Domestic users also have similar feedback on the forum. The specific performance is that the Bluetooth connection on the car is successful, but it cannot play music. It requires repeated connections to solve the problem temporarily.
It is unclear whether this is a software problem because even if it is upgraded to the latest iOS 10.0.1 the problem remains. Apple officials did not give an accurate answer.
September 21 update:
1. Severe fever spread: high
This is one of the issues most frequently reported by users. The new iPhone 7 and Plus will have a lot of heat during normal use, especially when you turn on the camera to take pictures or turn on the screen for a long time to perform network operations (such as watching online videos or brushing web pages). .
According to feedback provided by netizens and our own experience, the iPhone 7's fever is obviously abnormal. The serious heat problems that have occurred when large games are played on products such as 6S or when applications that run a large number of applications to tune the overall performance are The iPhone 7 has become the norm. In addition to basic functional operations, almost 90% of mobile phone operations will cause the phone to overheat.
The main heat comes from the lower part of the camera. Through dismantling it can be seen that this part is where the A10 processor is. Therefore, it is initially determined that the heat is coming from the processor.
★ As of now, Apple has not responded to the serious problem of iPhone 7 and Plus.
2. Back current sound wave and degree: high
The earliest exposure to the back of the current sound on Twitter, many netizens said that in the process of using mobile phones, in addition to fever, but also accompanied by the unobserved but often the current sound, and even on Twitter appeared HassGate, buzzgate (Music Gate) such topic.
A lot of news on the Internet shows that when the iPhone 7 runs some programs with heavy loads, the airframe is overloaded, which can cause this problem. However, in our own mobile phones and feedback from users who have experienced similar situations around us, this kind of problem does not require most of the load operation. After the camera interface is enabled, when the sliding screen switches the shooting mode, the lens part will appear more obvious. Current sound, there are also users to us reflected in the charging and running third-party software will appear the same problem.
★ At present, Apple has not made a positive response to this issue. We have also consulted the customer service in China in this issue, and have not received specific solutions. Judging from the current situation, only when the mobile phone is charged or when the capacitance changes when the screen is pressed, a similar situation occurs, and it is not ruled out that the first batch of iPhone 7 has certain defects in its internal design.
3. Bright black version is not resistant to scratching and high: high
This issue was reminded by Apple through the official website at the beginning of the iPhone 7 release. The Jet Black uses a different technology than in previous years. The metal material is anodized and polished many times to create a ceramic-like texture that really compels Apple's craftsmanship. The bright black because of the difficulty of the process, the increase in costs, has become Apple's absolute "Emperor Edition" on the iPhone 7 this year.
The buoyant market brought bright black market prices all the way up, but when several of the users we interviewed purchased the bright black iPhone 7 users, their advice was "can not use frosted to buy bright black."
The reason is that the polishing process used by Apple on the bright black iPhone 7 can bring a new look and feel to the mobile phone case, but it is too low for wear resistance, almost to the extent that it must be scratched as long as it is used. After Tencent's bright black iPhone 7 was not used for a week, the scratch on the top of the back of the phone was most obvious.
★ Apple has already reminded users on the official website's purchase instructions that the current problem can only be solved through the use of mobile phone sets. Since you have chosen bright black, unless you do not care, the cover must be inseparable from it.
4. Line control failure level: General
The iPhone 7 changed its brand new headphone jack this year, and the 3.5mm headphone jack was abandoned, becoming a hot topic this year. However, we haven't enjoyed the good results of replacing the interface. The problem is here. Currently Apple's official forum and feedback from users around the world, iPhone 7's Lightning interface EarPods headset will appear the problem of the occasional wire failure, including the included 3.5 mm headphone jack interface into the ordinary mobile phone users also have feedback to the problem.
According to the feedback from the users we collected, the problem is generally that the headset can normally hear the sound but the line control is not working. You need to re-plug the headset or turn it off and restart to temporarily solve the problem. However, the frequency of problems with remote control is not high, and it is not a normal problem.
★ At present, this BUG has been confirmed by Apple and needs to be resolved by upgrading the software later.
5. yin and yang screen wave and degree: general
Wei Feng Forum netizens real shot photos
After the iPhone 7 was launched, the problems of the yin and yang screens appeared in the major domestic and international forums. This is almost a cliché problem for Apple. The most frequently asked question is the iPhone 7's second half of the screen is yellow, while the first half of the screen is white.
Due to the adoption of the IPS screen, the screen mechanism causes the iPhone to require a backlight to light up the screen. The backlight should be used to illuminate the reflector and allow the reflected light to evenly spread on the liquid crystal layer. However, due to the difficulty of initial mass production, The problem of yin and yang screens is difficult to control.
The specific form of expression is that the screen of the mobile phone has a visible and obvious color difference when there is a measurement with backlight illumination and a color with no backlight illumination, especially when reading text, if it is a white word with black background, It is often the case that the colors on the screen are different.
★ Apple's yin and yang screen is recognized as a problem, if your iPhone 7 really has a color screen problem visible to the naked eye, you can use Apple's 14-day replacement policy to Apple's after-sales replacement of the new machine, of course, is to pass the test before .
6. Level of signal loss after lifted flight mode: low
This problem is currently mainly seen on the US version of the iPhone 7. The US version of the iPhone uses a baseband provided by Intel, which is different from the Qualcomm baseband used in domestic and Hong Kong versions. According to media reports, AT&T's customer service has received many similar phone complaints.
The specific manifestation of the problem is that when the mobile phone is turned on for a certain period of time and closed, the mobile phone will be in a state of signal loss. A representative of the AT&T customer service department stated that this problem may be caused by the SIM 7 slot of the iPhone 7, and the mobile phone caused a problem that the mobile network could not be found when switching the SIM card. Apple's after-sales service in the United States gives a ridiculous answer: If your phone has no signal, it may be because the SIM card is inserted...
★ At present, the solution given by AT&T and Apple is to restart + plug in the SIM card repeatedly. In extreme cases, Apple will provide replacement services. The iPhone 7 user who had the earliest problems, after taking the mobile phone to the staff of the Apple Retail Store to consult the Genius, quickly replaced the new iPhone 7 for free.
About customer service:
In the process of giving feedback to customer service users and us, there have been some different situations. When we reported iPhone 7 fever and current sound art to Apple's customer service, customer service in China, Hong Kong, and the United States had a different way of responding.
The main difference lies in the maintenance of products. In the absence of technical service in the three places, the problem is unsuccessful. The Apple customer service in the Mainland recommends users to return the product and purchase it after an incident. The customer service in Hong Kong and the United States will suggest The user's visit to Apple's retail store is checked and can be replaced if necessary.
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