Focus on IEC specifications for LED luminaire performance being drafted

Abstract: This article describes the publicly available specifications for luminaire performance requirements - Part 2: LED luminaires for general lighting, being drafted by IEC TC34/SC34D. Reliability requirements are introduced for LED luminaires, and manufacturers of LED luminaires must not only claim lumen maintenance (LX) but also claim failure rate (FX). While providing the intensity distribution curve, LED luminaire manufacturers not only need to provide light efficiency, but also provide correlated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index (CRI). For the current domestic blind pursuit and the pursuit of LED lighting efficacy, the IEC publicly available specifications for LED luminaire performance undoubtedly have the correct leading role.

Key words: LED; LED luminaire; LED luminaire performance; LED lumens maintain life

Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on the IEC Publicly Available Specification (PAS) draft of performance requirements – Part 2: LED Luminaires for General Lighting Services Requirements by IEC TC34/SC34D. According to reliability requirement based on the entire lighting system, LED luminaire manufacturers In addition to Lumen intensity distribution, LED luminarie manufacturers need aslo provides lumen efficacy, Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and Color Rendition Index (CRI). In View of the current existing blindly chase situations of LED luminaire efficacy in China, drafting IEC specification of LED luminaire Performance can provide correct guidance to future LED industry.

Keywords: LED; LED luminaires; LED luminaries performance; Lumen maintenance life

Long life is considered to be one of the advantages of semiconductor LED solid-state lighting sources over traditional lighting technology. Not only a single LED, but the final integrated system will also work longer due to the use of long-life LEDs, LED manufacturers are natural. Think of it as the biggest selling point. In fact, the long life of a single LED does not mean that the entire lighting system has a long life after the integrated system. LED manufacturers and luminaire manufacturers should need accurate life-defining methods, and consumers need accurate information to decide. SSL purchases and calculations for accurate return on investment.

Currently, in the field of product testing, the new IES LM-80 (LM-80) industry standard enables LED manufacturers to analyze individual LED lumen maintenance under real-world operating conditions. However, the LM-80 does not cover LED luminaire measurements and does not provide a means of assessing LED life. Therefore, in practical solutions, luminaire manufacturers lack other useful information to better understand and predict the life behavior of LEDs, especially for the correct evaluation of the life of LED luminaires.

Due to the lack of uniform LED luminaire performance specifications in the current LED industry, many manufacturers use LED light source lumens to maintain data for LED luminaire life evaluation. As a result, the predicted life span and the life of LED luminaires in actual applications are greatly deviated, from the future development of LED industry. And in terms of cultivating consumer confidence, it is extremely unfavorable.

In view of this situation, IEC TC 34 (International Electrotechnical Commission Light and Related Equipment Technical Committee) held the LED Lighting Products and Related Standards Workshop (LED Workshop) in Helsinki, Finland from June 21 to June 24, 2010. At the same time, TC 34 maintenance working group meetings were held, including the meeting of the Light Source Maintenance Working Group (MT PRESCO), the Working Conference of the Lamp Head and Lampholder Maintenance (MT EPC1/2/3/4), and the Working Group Meeting for Maintenance of Lamp Accessories (MT COMEX) and the luminaire maintenance working group meeting (MT LUMEX).

IEC TC 34 also held the DALI Control Devices Workshop and the DALI Control Devices Workshop in Frankfurt, Germany from June 28th to July 2nd, 2010. At the same time, the Light Source Expert Group Meeting (IEC SC 34A) was held. Expert Meeting on Lamp Accessories (IEC SC 34C COMEX) and Expert Group Meeting on Lamps (IEC SC 34D LUMEX).

The author learned from the meeting that IEC TC34/SC34D is drafting the publicly available specifications for "Lighting Performance Requirements - Part 2: LED Lighting for General Lighting" and "Lighting Performance Standards - Part 1: General Requirements". This specification focuses on the life, marking and performance requirements of LED luminaires. The drafting of the IEC publicly available specifications for new LED luminaire performance is undoubtedly the correct leading role for the current domestic blind pursuit and the pursuit of LED luminaire efficacy.

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