The MSP430 series single-chip microcomputer is a 16-bit ultra-low-power mixed-signal processor that Texas Instruments began to market in 1996. The biggest bright spot left to people is low power consumption and fast speed. The assembly language is very flexible to use. There are many addressing modes, few instructions, and easy to use. The main reason is that it integrates many analog circuits, digital circuits and microprocessors on a single chip to provide a "single-chip" solution for actual application requirements. Its rapid development and continuous expansion of the scope of application mainly depend on the following characteristics:
1. Powerful processing capability, adopting reduced instruction set (RISC) structure, rich addressing modes (7 source operand addressing, 4 destination operand addressing), concise 27 kernel instructions and a large number of Analog instructions; a large number of registers and on-chip data memory can participate in a variety of operations; there are also efficient table look-up processing instructions; it has a higher processing speed, and the instruction cycle is 125ns under 8MHz crystal drive. These features ensure that high-efficiency source programs can be compiled.
2. In terms of operating speed, it can achieve a 125ns instruction cycle under the drive of an 8MHz crystal. The 16-bit data width, 125ns instruction cycle and the multi-functional hardware multiplier (which can realize multiplication and addition) can realize certain algorithms of digital signal processing (such as FFT, etc.).
3. In terms of ultra-low power consumption, the reason why the MSP430 microcontroller has ultra-low power consumption is that it has its uniqueness in reducing the power supply voltage of the chip and the flexible and controllable operating clock. The power supply voltage is 1.8-3.6V. Therefore, when it can run under the 1MHz clock condition, the current of the chip will be about 200-400uA, and the minimum power consumption of the clock off mode is only 0.1uA.
Disadvantage1. Personally feel that it is not easy to get started, not suitable for beginners to get started, and the information is relatively small, so I can only find it on the official website.
2. It occupies a large instruction space, because it is a 16-bit single-chip microcomputer, and the program is based on words, and some instructions actually occupy 6 bytes. Although the program is simple on the surface, it occupies a lot of space compared with PIC microcontrollers.
Application range: It is more widely used in industrial occasions with low power consumption and ultra-low power consumption.
Most used devices: MSP430F series, MSP430G2 series, MSP430L09 series
TMS MCUHere also mention the TMS series of single-chip microcomputers, although they are not mainstream. The 8-bit CMOS microcontroller introduced by TI has multiple storage modes and multiple peripheral interface modes, suitable for complex real-time control occasions. Although not as excellent as STM32 and not as ostentatious as MSP430, the TMS370C series microcontrollers provide a cost-effective real-time system control by integrating advanced peripheral function modules and various chip memory configurations. At the same time, it adopts high-performance silicon gate CMOS EPROM and EEPROM technology. Low operating power consumption CMOS technology, wide operating temperature range, noise suppression, coupled with high performance and rich on-chip peripheral functions, make TMS370C series microcontrollers have certain applications in automotive electronics, industrial motor control, computers, communications and consumer products .
The utility model provides a disposable electronic cigarette, comprising: a hollow shell, the bottom of the shell is provided with a lower cover; the shell contains an atomizer, and the outer side of the atomizer is sheathed with a disposable cigarette A bomb, a microphone cover is arranged under the atomizer, a microphone is covered under the microphone cover, a battery is arranged on one side of the atomizer, and an upper cover is arranged on the top of the casing; The atomizer includes an atomizing corThe utility model provides a disposable electronic cigarette, comprising: a hollow shell, the bottom of the shell is provided with a lower cover; the shell contains an atomizer, and the outer side of the atomizer is sheathed with a disposable cigarette A bomb, a microphone cover is arranged under the atomizer, a microphone is covered under the microphone cover, a battery is arranged on one side of the atomizer, and an upper cover is arranged on the top of the casing; The atomizer includes an atomizing core, an oil-absorbing cotton sleeved on the outside of the atomizing core, and an atomizer outer tube sleeved on the outside of the oil-absorbing cotton. The disposable electronic cigarette provided by the utility model absorbs the smoke oil on the surface through the absorbing cotton, and then atomizes the smoke through the atomizing core, which greatly reduces the risk of oil leakage, at the same time, reduces the burning of cotton and ensures the smoking taste.e, an oil-absorbing cotton sleeved on the outside of the atomizing core, and an atomizer outer tube sleeved on the outside of the oil-absorbing cotton. The disposable electronic cigarette provided by the utility model absorbs the smoke oil on the surface through the absorbing cotton, and then atomizes the smoke through the atomizing core, which greatly reduces the risk of oil leakage, at the same time, reduces the burning of cotton and ensures the smoking taste.
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